Safeyou+ Newsletter July 2017

The Safeyou+ project Following a succesful application, the SAFEYOU project has evolved to a successor project, SAFEYOU+. The aim of the SAFEYOU+ project is to extend the existing SAFEYOU TOOL to competitive athletes and test the effectiveness of the PAES Information App. Safeyou+ Newsletter July 2017


SAFEYOU at the UK Anti-Doping’s Clean Sport at the Front Line event

29/1/2019. Project SAFE YOU was publicly launched in UK in the context of the UK Anti-Doping’s (UKAD) Clean Sport at the Front Line event, at Loughborough University. The theme of this year’s event was the protection of vulnerable athletes. The event brought together stakeholders from across the UK working in athlete support, research and sports administration and development.  



29-31/3/2018. SAFEYOU project participated in the 3rd International Exhibition of Sports (SPORTEXPO) held in Thessaloniki, Greece. The SAFEYOU team distributed leaflets at the exhibition, and approached exercisers to inform them about doping use and increase their awareness about the hazards of doping use in recreational sport.  
