SAFEYOU at the Pancyprian Conference of Sports Medicine in Nicosia, Cyprus

9-10/9/2017. The Cyprus Sports Medicine Association and the University of NIcosia organized the Pancyprian Conference of Sports Medicine, in Nicosia, Cyprus. The event was opened by Prof Konstantinos Natsis, President of the Sports Medicine Associationof Greece.SAFEYOU team member Dr Michaelides presented the aims and the activities of the SAFEYOU project at the conference. He highlighted the…


SAFEYOU+ at the “White night of Fregene”

24/06/2017. S.S. Lazio Baseball, Softball & Lacrosse 1949 had the opportunity to reach a big target during the “White night of Fregene”(Fiumicino), where they organized a “sport citadel” which hosted the following sections of “S.S. Lazio Generale” and sport federations: S. Lazio Baseball, Softball e Lacrosse 1949 S.S. Lazio Sport Dancing S.S. Lazio Cyclism S.S. Lazio Basket S.S.…


SAFEYOU+ at the 1st Regional School Games of Sports and Culture of Central Macedonia

24-26/5/2017 The Regional Directorate of Primary and Secondary Education of Central Macedonia under the aegis of the Ministry of Education, Research and Religious Affairs, and in the context of the Athletics Education Championships, co-organizes with the Ministry of Macedonia-Thrace and with the support of the Region of Central Macedonia, the Regional Association of Municipalities of…


The SAFE YOU+ at the 9th Aristotle Run

13/5/2017 The SAFEYOU+ team promoted the ‘stay fit, stay clean’ message to the participants of the 9th Aristotle Run, held in Thessaloniki, Greece. This is a running event organized by the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki and includes a 5000m run for adults and a 1000m run for children. The SAFEYOU team distributed leaflets to athletes…


SAFEYOU+ at the Documentary Festival “Breaking the Cycle of Corruption”

22/4/2017 The Nikos Poulantzas Institute with the European Parliamentary Group European United Left/Nordic Green Left (GUE / NGL) member Stelios Kouloglou, organized documentary festivals on the subject: “Breaking the cycle of corruption”, in Thessaloniki, Greece. The SAFEYOU+ team member Dr Barkoukis participated in the discussion held by Mr Kouloglou and whistleblower Rudolf Elmer and highlighted…


BBC article on doping

Dr Lazuras, Sheffield Hallam University, member of the SAFE YOU and SAFE YOU+ projects gave an interview on BBC sport about doping use in recreational sport. Dr Lazuras presented evidence about the health side effects and presented doping use as a dark side of exercise. The interview and the full article of BBC Sport are…


Kick-off meeting of the SAFE YOU+

The kick-off partner meeting of SAFEYOU+ project was held in London, UK. The Greek partner presented the management and project monitoring procedures and the Italian partner presented the quality assurannce procedures. Project’s partners discussed the content of the qualitative and quantitative studies and set the milestones for the upcoming activities.  
